Mar 21, 2010

Tata Indica Vista

Overview - Best Tata Hatchback Till Date

Tata Indica V2 Price Rs 3,47,707* - Rs 3,76,707

Tata Indica, introduced 10 years ago, was the first real Indian hatch. It has come a long way since but the recent auto expo showed us a new version, more powerful engines, bigger, better interiors and improved quality. First launched in 1998, the Indica model has achieved leadership in its class and became the second largest selling model in the segment this year, notching up a sale of 144,691 units in 2007-2008.

So far, 1.12 million Indica cars have produced. Indica Vista is a huge improvement after the original Indica platform which spawned a whole gamut of vehicles including the Indigo and Indigo XL Sedan, Indigo Marina the station wagon and Indigo CS compact sedan.

Mouthshut Recommended 67 %

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